
We leave dark so you can see the stars

Observe around 3000 stars from this spot on a clear, moonless night. Spot the Milky Way or shooting stars during the Perseiden showers in August. Watch the full moon rise. And simply enjoy the natural sounds of the sea during a calm, dark night.

Camping Ca’Savio has intentionally chosen to leave this part of the beach and path leading towards it naturally dark, so that guests can look up and admire the sky full of stars. The effects of light pollution are dramatic. Recent studies have identified light pollution as having a growing significant impact on our environment. Adverse effects have been found not just in humans, where light affects sleep patterns, but in nature too. For example, have you recently heard birds singing in the middle of the night? While LED lighting offers better efficiency, the use of bright white light is leading to confusion in both nocturnal and diurnal (daytime) animal behaviour. Indeed, light pollution is causing adverse negative effects throughout nature’s ecosystems.

You can often readily see the effects of light pollution yourself. From a light-polluted town or city, it’s possible to see perhaps no more than 50 stars, if at all. On some nights the skies glow orange caused by the inefficient sodium-vapour street lights illuminating the clouds above. On clear nights that light dilutes the skies meaning starlight is washed out and fewer stars are visible.

This is a global problem, and we believe we need to keep the remaining places naturally dark. Enjoy the rare luxury of connecting with nature in a dark place.

Here you can find more information on light pollution.

CaSavio_leave dark