Quality, safety, environment

The company Vianello Vittorio S.p.A aims to offer international guests staying at Camping Ca’Savio the opportunity to spend a comfortable and relaxing holiday in connection with nature, encouraging interaction between people, cultural exchange and the discovery of the surroundings and local area. As with any dynamic and innovative company, we aspire to become a reference for organisational and management solutions we adopt and aim to collaborate with the local community to boost the recovery of traditions and enhance distinctive features of local region, aspects getting more and more relevant for tourism sector.

The company Vianello Vittorio S.p.a is committed to guarantee protection and integrity of the territory in which it operates, by maintaining satisfaction and expectations of both clients and other interested parties, and considers safety of the work environment an essential element to allow staff to operate in a safe environment. With reference to the above mentioned mission, the defined Values, to needs of stakeholders and on the basis of the assessment of internal and external context, the organization undertakes to:

  • improve communication with campsite guests and potential customers, both to provide information and to collect the useful feedback for the definition of service requirements;
  • reduce inefficiency and waste of resources in management and operational processes, preserving and, where possible, reducing consumption of natural resources;
  • improve awareness of all direct and outsourced personnel about the importance of their job for a better quality of the service and a lower environmental impact, giving preference to suppliers that ensure products and services compliant with the integrated management system;
  • raise customer’s awareness about protection an integrity of the environment, preventing behaviour that can create pollution and promoting the use of non-polluting substances and products;
  • strengthen the level of health and hygienic control for catering services, food sales, swimming services, cleaning of common areas and accommodation, and improve the application of management system for environment and health and safety in order to protect the integrity of surrounding environment, the safety of workplace, and to satisfy needs of the interested parties.

The future objectives are:


  • continuously analysing customers’ needs and expectations to turn them into higher standard of service;
  • ensuring transparency and clarity of information;
  • protect the guests’ right of privacy during their stay and in the execution of all administrative fulfilment required;
  • involve all personnel and guests into identification and reporting risks and opportunities.


  • considering the protection of Health and Safety of staff as a company objective, to be achieved and constantly improved, that involves the entire company organisation, according to competencies and attributions;
  • ensure optimal levels of safety to minimise risk for staff and guests;
  • increase staff participation to improve the adequacy of processes and workplace.


  • differentiate the waste collection and, where possible, reduce waste production
  • reduce consumption of resources (energy, water, fuel / gas …)
  • minimise the environmental impact of the activities, both direct and indirect.

With this goal Vianello Vittorio S.p.A. has decided to implement a Quality, Safety and Environmental Management System in compliance with regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015, UNI EN ISO 45001:2023 standards providing necessary resources, in terms of staff and means, and achieving the related certifications.

The integrated management system requires:

  • the definition of processes enabling the achievement of defined standards;
  • the planning of processes considering risk and opportunity related to service’s quality, environmental protection, safety of personnel, of guests and everyone accessing the campsite, the implementation of the planned processes and related operational controls;
  • the measurement and monitoring of processes through a set of indicators;
  • the analysis of results and the definition of appropriate correction and improvement actions.

All staff and organisation’s partners are involved and called upon to cooperate so that the commitments, expressed in this document and from the Integrated Management System, are respected and implemented.

The company promotes and encourages every personal or group contribution to the pursuit of these objectives and undertakes to spread internally, in all sectors and at every level, and externally, towards customers and other stakeholders, its policy in terms of Quality, Safety and Environment.

Cavallino – Treporti, 16/01/2024